Painting for Fun

Painting for Fun

An icon of a paint brush and a squiggle of paint brush in black and yellow with the words 'Painting for Fun'

Painting for Fun is a free and friendly oil painting class at Shieldfield Art Works. The classes are open to all, whatever the skill level, and materials are provided.

There are sessions every Tuesday, the morning session is 9.30am – 11.30am and the afternoon session is 2:30pm – 4:30pm. Theres no need to book, just come along on the day.

Please note, there are no Painting For Fun classes on the following dates: 26th November, 24th & 31st December 2024

Free tea, coffee and biscuits are provided each session. The classes have a casual and friendly atmosphere- you’re welcome to chat as you work or just focus on painting.

Kim Fewell is a volunteer at SAW who runs the classes, she spends each session offering painting advice to those that would like it. Kim’s dog Juno also comes to the class, she is a trained therapy dog and is very calm.

Class members are free to work on their own projects, and welcome to keep everything they produce. Some attendees donate their works to Painting For Fun Annual Exhibition in order to help raise money for the class, but this is entirely optional.

Painting for Fun member

An icon a needle and thread, a pair of scissor, and a print roller in black and teal

Craft Action Collective

An icon of two people facing on another in pink and black

SAW Reflects

An icon of a plant in green and black

Shieldfield Grows