A Shout, A Cry, A Question: Shieldfield Speaks


A Shout, A Cry, A Question: Shieldfield Speaks


Quotes from: Sheryl Cathey, Maxine Mallon, John Armstrong, The Bible – Amos 5:24 (The Message), Fherisia Dougall, Jill Menzies, excerpt from The People’s Poems 2 by Sky Hawkins (left to right).


Typesetting arranged by Theresa Easton.


A Shout, A Cry, A Question: Shieldfield Speaks, features quotes from five residents of Shieldfield which came from conversations about community, housing and activism.


Shieldfield Speaks is part of the exhibition and programme Community not Commodities, which seeks to explore the emotional value of home and communities, in an age when financial value is often placed before community value. Using printmaking, a medium often used to express protest, Community not Commodities features an exhibition, events, workshops and discussions, which ask questions, both practical and emotional, about housing and community. The exhibition will feature work by printmaker Theresa Easton, original 1970/80s protest movement posters, printing by local artists and an outdoor print protest installation.


Theresa Easton is an printmaker based in Newcastle. Community participation and political activism feature as a driving force in her work.