Shieldfield Art Works Blog
Real/Symbol Podcast
9th December 2021

Real/Symbol a podcast about land, displacement and resistance REAL/SYMBOL is a three part podcast and zine that explores land, gentrification and displacement in Shieldfield and how the work of SAW and our partners at Dwellbeing are examples of community resistance. It is produced SAW’s former director Alison Merritt Smith as part of her William Leech Research Fellowship in practical […]

Reconnecting: Places
13th July 2021

Where are you from? Twice last week I was asked by a shop assistants where I was from. It went something like this: SA: Where are you from? Me: I live in Newcastle. SA: You’re a southerner. I can hear it! I’m a southerner! Me: Where are you from? SA: Letchworth Hertfordshire. Husband:  I lived […]

Reconnecting: People
29th June 2021

In our last blog Andii reflected on reconnecting through practices and had a beautiful image of a three strand cord to represent aspects of this. Do go and have a read if you have not. Today we are thinking about reconnection with people.  I am very much an introvert – I am often content in […]

Reconnecting: Practices
15th June 2021

Lockdown and haircuts and beards -oh my! If you’ve met me online over the last 12 months you will have noticed a lot more facial hair. One of the things I decided in lockdown and home-working was that I’d see how growing the beard went. Sometimes the hair has followed suit -at the moment it’s […]

1st June 2021

It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tired into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.  We are ‘hoping’ that life will return to normal – but what is normal now?  My […]

Although cultivated and cared for, the garden and our public outside green spaces are also uncontrollable and wild. I like the cracks in the stone and the flowery weeds; those uncontrollable beauties that help the host and guest remember that hospitality isn’t about controlled perfection but instead making a space of welcome. Often when we […]

Easter – loss and hope
13th April 2021

Before Easter we were waiting, in the darkness – recognising that it can be a difficult place to be – waiting for  Sunday – hoping. In John’s account of the resurrection we begin in darkness and tears….   Early in the morning, while it was still dark…..  It is a tentative beginning which begins in darkness, […]

Waiting in a Garden
30th March 2021

Many of us have been waiting for many months. Waiting for restrictions to be lifted which will allow us to be face to face, two metres apart, in a garden with friends and loved ones we haven’t seen for so long. It’s not a stretch for anyone to imagine that kind of waiting and longing. […]

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