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About Us

Shieldfield Art Works (or ‘SAW’) is an arts organisation based in Shieldfield, Newcastle upon Tyne. SAW operates on the intersection of contemporary art, theological reflection and community activism. As both an arts space and a project of the Methodist Church, we are committed to understanding how these three spheres can speak, interact and learn from each other. SAW believes art and creativity are integral parts of human life, and with art’s unique ability to articulate, question and enquire, we can enact positive change in our communities and the world.

Shieldfield Art Work’s broad programme includes developing high quality art exhibitions, events, workshops, conferences and publications. Although we support all forms of art making and development, Socially Engaged Art is integral to our practice as an organisation, and is often used to discuss, question and give voice to local and global issues. We have a longstanding commitment to our community of Shieldfield, an area which has undergone rapid urban development. We also support emerging artists by providing opportunities for development, curatorial support and exhibition opportunities.

SAW works with people of all faiths and none – artists, schools, universities, community members, charities, churches, community groups, artistic collectives and other partners. We gladly welcome people of all backgrounds to participate in our programme.

If you are interested in supporting the work of SAW, please visit our Give to Shieldfield Art Works page.

Stories from SAW


Real/Symbol Podcast
9th December 2021

Real/Symbol a podcast about land, displacement and resistance REAL/SYMBOL is a three part podcast and zine that explores land, gentrification and displacement in Shieldfield and how the work of SAW and our partners at Dwellbeing are examples of community resistance. It is produced SAW’s former director Alison Merritt Smith as part of her William Leech Research Fellowship in practical […]

Reconnecting: Places
13th July 2021

Where are you from? Twice last week I was asked by a shop assistants where I was from. It went something like this: SA: Where are you from? Me: I live in Newcastle. SA: You’re a southerner. I can hear it! I’m a southerner! Me: Where are you from? SA: Letchworth Hertfordshire. Husband:  I lived […]

Reconnecting: People
29th June 2021

In our last blog Andii reflected on reconnecting through practices and had a beautiful image of a three strand cord to represent aspects of this. Do go and have a read if you have not. Today we are thinking about reconnection with people.  I am very much an introvert – I am often content in […]

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Our friends and collaborators:

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